Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Paper Piecing?

I sometimes worry that with being exposed to more quilts, patterns, and ideas, my stuff becomes more typical. Less original.
Othertimes, I think, it's all been done before.


I'm shocked I'm sharing this with the general public. But I think it serves as a reminder that not everything goes as planned/invisioned... and who knows what I will do to it to try to remedy it... but I do promise to show the results.
For better. Or for worse.

Think Pink!

I hope it will turn out to be a very modern looking quilt.
Fingers are crossed.


I love how you can really see the grain of the wood.
I'm in love.


Each bedroom floor was a different stain than the rest of the hardwoods in the house. Odd. Maybe that is why they were under 1980's carpet?