Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Front and Center

This is the front of the "I Spy" quilt I made for Katie's nephew. If you pay attention to the center of the quilt, I used the 3.5 inch blocks then around those used the larger 6.5.
I think this will be my final "I Spy" for a while.
I'm novelty print-ed out!

Purple Haze

Y E L L O W.
Again, the whooooole range of purples and different prints. I want it to have a scrappy feel to it, but hopefully, come of a bit more elegant.

Sew Scrappy

I have everything from batiks to novelty in this.
I love the idea of a scrap quilt, it seems very true to the old fashioned notion of quilts. Pioneers. Utilitarian.
It will become my new tv quilt... next winter!