Lazy Days
I use to love to go hang out at Borders bookstore on a Sunday morning and read the magazines, have a vanilla latte, and buy a new CD on my way out... I haven't done that in forever, and so the last time I thought that was a great plan... I went but it just wasn't as refreshing and inspiring to me as in the past.
And this morning I think I figured out why.
I now read BLOGS that inspire me and get my creative juices flowing.
I'm not positive this is the answer... but it the only answer I can come up with at the moment.
This past Sunday was a perfect lazy Sunday. I had spent the past three days consumed with a friends daughter's wedding... helping out as needed... and so when I awoke to rain on Sunday, I just snuggled deeper into the covers and went back to sleep with a smile on my lips.
That is, until my puppy decided he had had it with sleep... and we must go for a walk, rain or not.
We did. And we collected the Sunday paper, which meant I came home and climbed back into bed to read and nap!!
If you missed it, look for Garrison Keillor's Sunday write up. It was laughoutloud funny.
To me.
And this morning I think I figured out why.
I now read BLOGS that inspire me and get my creative juices flowing.
I'm not positive this is the answer... but it the only answer I can come up with at the moment.
This past Sunday was a perfect lazy Sunday. I had spent the past three days consumed with a friends daughter's wedding... helping out as needed... and so when I awoke to rain on Sunday, I just snuggled deeper into the covers and went back to sleep with a smile on my lips.
That is, until my puppy decided he had had it with sleep... and we must go for a walk, rain or not.
We did. And we collected the Sunday paper, which meant I came home and climbed back into bed to read and nap!!
If you missed it, look for Garrison Keillor's Sunday write up. It was laughoutloud funny.
To me.