I purchased the latest Nancy Crow book a last month and just started really reading it this weekend. I am so inspired. She is one person who inspired me to do this whole quilt thing. I came across an article on her work several years ago and I fell in love with her art. It was quilting, like no other quilting I had ever seen. I liked that it was original, modern, and her.
I also loved that it wasn't precision quilting where every corner and point was perfect and crisp. It wasn't about how perfect a piece you did, but instead original art.
I realized that one reason I haven't enjoyed quilting lately, I've been following everyone elses patterns and doing very little improvisational work. So, inspired by one of her pieces... I started a strip piece that I did not draw out on graph paper, just resided in my mind as a vague idea... and already after getting my first set of strips done... has changed. Twice!
I love it!!
This is fun!!
I will still continue to do quilts from patterns and the gifty stuff. But I will make more time for the no rules quilting. And I'm not ready to go true solid or hand dyed.
Not just yet.